下載須知 Retreat reminders (pdf)


  1. 舒適的衣服,外套,運動鞋, 雨具(若會下雨)。
  2. 自由活動時間想要運動者所需之網球具, 羽毛球具, 乒乓球具, 游泳衣等等
  3. 肥皂, 洗髮精和其它盥洗需用品(宿舍供應被單,床單,枕頭,枕套和浴巾。但建議帶薄被子因宿舍空調可能製冷過度)。
  4. 三歲和三歲以下的小孩須帶被單(午睡時用)和兩件喜歡的玩具(請寫上姓名)。
  5. 聖經, 筆, 筆記本。
  6. 需用的藥物。
  7. 購書與奉獻的錢。

Things to Bring

  1. Comfortable clothes, sport shoes, jackets, rain gear (if anticipating rain).
  2. Personal sport equipment (tennis racket and balls; badminton rackets and shuttlecocks; Ping-Pong paddles and balls; swim suits, etc.) for free time.
  3. Toiletries and personal items (Blankets, pillows, pillowcases, sheets, & towels are provided by JMU. However, you may need extra blankets for the AC can be too strong in some rooms.)
  4. For children age 3 and under, bring a blanket for nap time and two favorite toys (put name on items).
  5. Bible, pen, and notebook.
  6. Allergy and other medication as needed.
  7. Money for books and offering.


  1. 貴重物品, 輪子溜冰鞋,滑板。

Things NOT to Bring

  1. Expensive items. Roller skates, roller blades, and skateboards.


  1. 報到時間:星期六(五月二十五日)上午 十時至十二時。
    報到地點 Festival Conference and Student Center at upper floor
    請先將車停放在報到地點對面的停車場 C11,C12 報到後才處理行李。
    Festival 大樓, 宿舍門口前車位只供暫停卸下行李, 或讓長輩幼小下車。
  2. Grace St. Apartment 的停車場是 C5; 體育館的停車場是 Convo D.
  3. 請查看手冊, 準時參加每一個聚會。
  4. 以禮相待校園內的工作人員。用飯時如餐廳擁擠, 飯後請趕快離開, 家長應留意看管孩子的行為。
  5. 進入餐廳需用餐磁卡。晚上十一時後進入宿舍也需用餐磁卡。
  6. 今年退修會沒有預備宵夜, 若有需要請自己預備。宿舍廚房有限, 請共用。
  7. 如有需要, 會場有醫藥顧問。梁醫師: 469-767-1773
  8. 離開手續:星期一(五月二十七曰) 吃完午餐後,交還房間鑰匙(否則需付罰款$30元)。
  9. 若有急事需要提早離開營地, 請告知退修會同工。洛城堂: 陳召立 301-704-8066, 蓋城堂: 張愛軍 240-889-1994
  10. 小心開車,平安回家。


  1. Check-in: May 25, (Sat), 10 a.m. to 12 noon at Festival Conference and Student Center.
    Please park your car at the C11 and C12 parking lots across from the Festival Conference and Student Center,
    and check-in before you unload your belongings.
    Parking spaces in front of Festival and dormitory are for loading and drop-off only.
  2. The parking lot at Grace St. Apartment is C5; the parking lot at the recreation center is Convo D.
  3. Please refer to the handbook for schedule, and be on time for every event.
  4. Be courteous to staff members of JMU. When cafeteria is crowded, be efficient at mealtime. Parents, please pay attention to your children's behavior.
  5. A meal card is required to pay for meals upon entering the cafeteria during mealtime, as well as gain entry to the dormitory after 11 PM.
  6. There will be NO midnight snacks provided by the church.  Please prepare your own if necessary, and share with others. Please share among the groups when using common kitchen facility.
  7. There will be on-site medical advisors. Dr. Liang: 469-767-1773
  8. Check-out: May 27 (Mon) after lunch. Return your room key to JMU (or pay $30 fine).
  9. Early check-out: Please inform retreat co-workers. CBCM-Rockville: Michael Chen 301-704-8066, and CBCM-Gaithersburg: Aijun Zhang 240-889-1994
  10. Drive home safely.

下載須知 Retreat reminders (pdf)